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Updated: Aug 21, 2019

This #B2Be and MidtownKing got their #tickets! Sooo excited for this #Empowering #Inspiring #CommuniEATS event by Rapha Wellness


Uhhh...can you say #EXCITED! Well, I am for this is my FIRST WELLNESS FESTIVAL & also the FIRST WELLNESS FESTIVAL of its kind in Bayonne, NJ! How awesome it that!

Now, I can't speak for you unique; INSPIRING AF B2Bes!

But for me, "WELLNESS"+"FESTIVAL" didn't seem to go hand and hand.

After thinking about it for time, I realized it's because my personal #wellness experience has always #bitter within my #ADVERSITY.

Festivals on thee other hand, equated to #scrumptious #FUN with #MUSIC and #community! Simply associating festivals with partying!

So, as a #bonafide #foodie today who has lived with childhood #PTSD since I was 4; wellness has always been-well a bonafide struggle, almost impossible; unattainable.

I wanted so much to okay enough to be feel well. Strong, confident, energized, complete, possible! Instead, I felt sad, broken, terrified thanks to #triggers, anger, #fightmode and the worst part-#DEPRESSION


One of my favorite dictionary Merriam Webster defines wellness as:


nounwell·​ness | \ ˈwel-nəs \

Definition of wellness

: the quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal//lifestyles that promote wellness



Obviously, for someone with severe depression; wholeness, healthiness and heartiness do not (Mmmm...#donut) mesh well or make much sense when all you wanna do is sleep the pain away and over/under eat because the pain is literally #eating away at you from within.

So all healthy #MOVEMENT and #DIET kind of go out the window UNTIL you realize the UNDENIABLE #BENEFITS of #Wellness. And realize, wellness is for EVERYONE! Because it truly is in everyone. Whether: YOUNG, OLD, SICK (whether physical, mental, neural, all above)-if you are a woman, man; whatever you associate and define yourself has, no matter religion, demographic, history, finances and past...WELLNESS is for all of us!

Twenty-two years later, I am still dealing with the four henchmen of my complex #PTSD. Luckily with music and growing up becoming a songwriter who can pour my pain, fears, food cravings and joy into songs whilst #feastingReleasingRepeating and of course #sAnging my #BUNS off: I have discovered my 4 angels( #Music #audacity #healing #Joy) to combat those nasty ol' henchmen. EAT THEM ALIVE I say!!!

Now, my angels, love and a whole #Costco size armoury of many wonderful #SelfHelp #tools #nuggets and #armour in staying #Hungry #Filled and #INSPIRED in life despite my extreme/severe #MoodDisorder have 100% become a part of my wellness journey.

Now, #WELLNESS for me is still sometimes a #challenge but also a big rewarding and #enriching #healing experience.

It's something you can start immediately! Get up and do a quick stretch, turn up the radio and #DANCE! Or even more easy; TAKE A DEEP BREATH in and EXHALE! Attend a fun event with a friend, partner or neighbor or attack a cup...or gallon of water #HYDRATE

*Not all have access to clean water...if interested babes (

You reap the benefits immediately! And the more you do it, the better you feel; the more resilient you can become and a more fulfilling life is yours.

So, to me-that sounds just as amazing as a festival where we get to party with music and more-so just makes sense to combine the two.

Like a #burger (#vegan burger #YUM) with #fries, #peanutbutter and jelly and my personal favorite #redwine and #darkchocolate (chocolate and #milk for the #kids of course:-D.

So best #believe, this babe is excited! And you can be too! >>>

Get your #FREE ticket now and get ready to Stay Hungry Filled INSPIRED on Saturday #August 31th.

This #Hot #Scrumptious #SUMMER month will be ending on an amazing high note (#MariahCarey high) with this sure to be awesome and beyond #FUN and #FREE #event in #BayonneNJ on #August 31st 10a-7p

Where we will be #FEASTING our minds, body, souls and #tastebuds on:





•#Family #Fun #FamilyFun



•#Yummy #Vendors

•And def good ol’ #SWEAT! 💪🏽💚🤗

and just real #wholesome (another wellness term) #INSPIRING #ENRICHing #Experience with an overall and instant (mmm Instant Ramen!) #WELLNESS for #ALL who attend!


I will be doing a 3 day countdown on

my instagram so #StayTuned! 💪🏽💚🤗

Register #NOW and can't wait to see and get #physical and INSPIRED with YOU #B2Bes on #Saturday 8.31.19 in Bayonne NJ!

#Link below!

Come siempre

Register today 💪🏽💚🤗


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